This is the second article of a series on organizing your kitchen:

What’s in that fridge?

The second area I would tackle is the refrigerator. Like the junk draweInside_domestic_refrigeratorr, it is a relatively small and contained area which you can easily do in a short period of time and feel good about it.

  1. Clear out the freezer section first. Check dates and toss anything outdated or with freezer burn or minuscule amounts left. Clean up any possible spills, etc.
  2. Now, the inside of the refrigerator. Like all organizing, it is usually best to take everything out of it. As you take items out – check for expired dates, old rotten foods or leftovers gone bad and toss them.

Wipe down all the doors, drawers, and shelves, as bacteria forms quickly in the frig. Put items back by categories, such as condiments, salad dressings, fruits, veggies, drinks, etc. Adjust shelves, if necessary. Your family can see and use items more easily and it makes it easier for the grocery list to be written.

And while you are at it, this is the perfect opportunity to pull out your refrigerator from the wall and clean and vacuum under it and behind it. It will operate much more efficiently. You may be surprised at what you find.