By Susan Layden
This is the second in a Five part series on the common problem of organizing laundry in your home:

laundry pileI often see piles of clothing/laundry in homes whether it is a single person, a couple or a family with one or more children. Clearly, no one is completing the entire process of washing, drying, folding/hanging and putting away.

Nowadays, both adults in the home usually work outside the home. Even stay-at-home moms are busier than ever home-schooling, taking care of small children, managing and chauffeuring children to after-school and weekend activities. People lead very busy lives these days. But that is all the more reason to manage your time and get this mundane but necessary task done quickly and efficiently.

First of all, each family member should have a hamper or laundry basket in their room. One hamper for each adult and one hamper per child, even if they share a room. For men whose shirts go to the dry cleaner, there should be a separate hamper or bag for that, too, so it is not mixed in with actual laundry. Towels can be used a number of times if family members are required to hang them up after each use. ( For one-use folks – you are clean after you shower or bathe – why make tons of laundry just because you have used a towel once?). Towels can be washed separately and easily folded and put away. The same holds true with sheets. Either they can be washed, dried and put back on the bed or folded and put away – if you make the bed with an extra set right after you take the dirty ones off. What do you do?

Next Week: Dealing with Clothing & the Laundry Space