Assess everything in your kitchen – appliances, gadgets, bake-ware, hand tools, etc. Do you really use them? Do they still work? Are they easy to use and to clean? Do you  have more than you really need? Does the ________ really earn its keep in storage?

  • Stop Buying More “Stuff”. You don’t need a different gadget or appliance for everything you do in the kitchen.
  • Don’t keep clutter. If you really don’t use something – it is time for it to go.
  • Store Like Items Together. Store items into zones, such as baking items, storage items spices, serving pieces, etc. This follows the general rule “a home for everything”.
  • Pantries. Put things away in categories, such as dry goods, cereals, pastas, canned goods; small items or packets go together in clear plastic containers. Turntables oftentimes work just great in pantries. Tiered risers for canned goods also work nicely.
  • Junk Drawers. Everybody has one – but try to keep things separated and contained within small boxes or dividers. Checkbook boxes often work well for this. The point is to clean it out every so often and get rid of the miscellaneous REAL junk!
  • Clear Your Counter Tops. Try and limit the appliances that are out to 3 that you use regularly. Keep only a small notepad, pen/pencil holder and letter box for mail near the phone.
  • Clean That Refrigerator. Every other week try and clean out your fridge. Throw out the items that have gone bad or that are almost empty, etc. Do it before you shop to help prevent buying unnecessary items. Plan your menus for an entire week.
  • Clean Out Under the Sink. Keep a product caddy with commonly used cleaning supplies. It can easily be carried throughout the home. Or, many times a large 18” turntable is great for those under the sink items offering great accessibility.
  • Pull-Out/ Drawers or Bins. Install a pull-out drawer, if possible, for accessibility in cabinets or use a basket or bin as a drawer, to get better use out of the back space in a cabinet.