The New Year is the time where we get to make a fresh start and resolve to address the parts of our live where we want to improve. For some, that means pulling some order out of the buildup of papers, clothes & possessions we’ve collected in homes and offices, so it’s a great time to reassess & focus on that goal.

January 2015 marks the Eleventh year that the National Association of Professional Organizers  (or NAPO) celebrate GO Month, a public awareness campaign to promote the value of organizing and improving efficiency.

To raise awareness, NAPO members held local events to help promote organizing in their communities. The success of the program led NAPO to officially proclaim January as GO Month in 2005, and regional chapters across the US developed events & programs to focus attention on how getting organized saves time, saves money and reduces stress (a mission that SOS shares).

According to the site, “The first topic for GO Month 2015: Possessions.”

The holidays usually bring in new things: a new piece of jewelry from your loved one, new home decor to impress your guests or a new pair of slippers that was not on your list. We all have them and some of us have more than we can handle. It is now 2015! Out with the old, in with the new. According to a NAPO public survey, about 82% of people believe that if they are more organized, their quality of life would improve.

So what are some small and easy tips that you can do today, for a better tomorrow?

Next Week: We’ll focus on tips to help set up your early organizational goals!