
How Can You Cut Clutter During Tax Time? Easy-Go Digital!


As we've mentioned during the past month, organizing your documents in the year before you get to tax time can make the difference between paying what you owe, or spending more money and time than necessary during tax time. No one likes to wield around the accordion files of receipts, paperwork & documents to the accountant, so one of the quic ...

The Real Cost of Disorganization During Tax Time


As we mentioned last week, tax time is just over two months away. As a matter of fact, you may be carving out a (potentially) annoying chunk of time this weekend to sit down with your box of receipts to prepare for your meeting with your bookkeeper or CPA. But that box of receipts is a real hinderance-not only is it messy & unorganized, it can cost ...

5 Steps to Getting Organized For The New Tax Year


No one likes it, but every American has to go through it:. Tax Season. The thought of sitting down with your bookkeeper or CPA is enough to make you want to curl up in a ball, but unfortunately everyone has to face it. Receipts, deductions, and 1099's are no fun, but even worse is not being prepared for tax season. The time to get organized is not ...

So What is GO Month, Anyway?


As we finish up the last week of the first month of the New Year, we've talked about GO Month a few times & mentioned its' basic importance. Sure, NAPO designated January as GO Month (or "Get Organized" Month) in 2005 as a logical association with starting & establishing resolutions for the new year, but really the focus of establishing new ...