
Planning for Holiday Traveling


As we enter December & wind down the year, more people will be preparing for air & road travel for the holidays. There are plenty of ways to prepare your travel plans, whether through the air or on the road.  Here's an article from  Metropolitan Organizing by Emily Parks on the best ways to research cost & prepare your travel plan. W ...

Get Ahead of the Game this Thanksgiving


With family & friends coming into your home for Thanksgiving, things can get stressful pretty quickly. It's a good idea to reduce your stress levels where you can, and the easiest place to start is an area that you can control-namely, the kitchen. Here's a great article from Elizabeth Larkin on organizing tips to keep your Thanksgiving running ...

Displaying Your Collectibles


When displaying collectibles, such as pottery, paperweights or blown glass - think in groups of odd numbers (three, five, seven). Put out your best or your favorite pieces to keep it really special or unique. Vary the heights of items, if possible, by putting them on clear risers for added interest. Greenery, fabric or some other textural element m ...

6 Organization Tips to Live By


Tip #1: Establish a home for everything and stick to it. Just think about it…if you always put your keys in the exact same spot every day or those papers you want were already filed away where they should be or the bills were located in one convenient spot – would you be wasting time looking for them now or paying late fees because you overlooked t ...