
Now That Your Fridge is Clean, It's Time To Reorganize It!


Last week we talked about including refrigerator organizing in your plans for Spring Cleaning this year, and we covered the actual cleaning part of the fridge. This week, we're going to move on to step two, which is replacing your items & organizing the fridge. As we mentioned, most people tend to take the fridge for granted as far as organiza ...

When You're Spring Cleaning, Don't Forget Your Fridge!


When most people think of Spring Cleaning, they think of the very obviously seasonally related cleaning & organizational topics: putting away the Winter wears, cleaning for a new season and bringing out the Spring and Summer stuff for warmer weather. But there's one area of the home that most people frequently neglect almost year round when it ...

The History of Spring Cleaning


Last week we talked about getting ready for your annual spring cleaning & the obvious seasonal relationship between why we clean in Spring. Though the warmer temps in colder areas certainly coincide with the need to put away winter wares in exchange for warmer weather items, the concept of 'spring cleaning' has much deeper roots than solely rel ...

Time to Get Prepped for Spring Cleaning & Organization!


Even though the Tampa Bay area isn't known for its seasonal shifts, we still have a Spring season, even though it may be a lot shorter than what most areas north of us do! In those parts of the country that have more pronounced seasons, concepts like "spring cleaning" take on a pretty significant meaning. At the end of winter, people start to pack ...