Kitchen Organization
Organizing Under the Kitchen Sink
This is the third in a series on organizing the heart of your home-the kitchen: For your third area, how about that Under the Sink cabinet? All together now – take everything out from under the sink. Clean off the shelf. If you use shelf paper and it needs replacing – do so. Under the sink areas are tricky because the placement of drain pipes vari ...
Kitchen Organization Part 2: The Refrigerator

This is the second article of a series on organizing your kitchen: What's in that fridge? The second area I would tackle is the refrigerator. Like the junk drawer, it is a relatively small and contained area which you can easily do in a short period of time and feel good about it. Clear out the freezer section first. Check dates and toss anything ...
Elective Surgery on the Heart of Your Home

By Susan Layden This is the First in a 5 Part Series on Getting Your Kitchen Organized: If your kitchen counters, cabinets and pantry are jammed and cluttered with “stuff”, half of which is rarely, if ever used, it is time to do surgery on this vital organ of the house. We spend a good part of each morning and evening in our kitchens. In many ho ...