Tackling Laundry: Dealing with The Laundry Pile
By Susan Layden This is the second in a Five part series on the common problem of organizing laundry in your home: I often see piles of clothing/laundry in homes whether it is a single person, a couple or a family with one or more children. Clearly, no one is completing the entire process of washing, drying, folding/hanging and putting away. Nowad ...
Tackling Laundry in Your Home
By Susan Layden This is the first in a Five part series on the common problem of organizing laundry in your home: A reoccurring problem I see in many homes in which I work is laundry. That is, piles of laundry. I see those piles not just in the laundry area, but on bedroom and closet floors, couches, tables – you name an area in the home and with ...