What's the Best Way To Downsize Before a Move?
We came across this great letter to Huffington Posts' Jim T. Miller, author of the Savvy Senior on downsizing before a move which we thought would be helpful to share: Dear Savvy Senior, Can you offer any helpful tips for downsizing? My husband and I are interested in moving to a condo downtown when we retire, but we need to get rid of a lot of o ...
From the Desk of Susan-Before & After: A Recent Garage Organization After a Move-In
"Photos from recent move-in - People are renting for one year & then will move when they find a home they want to purchase. I organized & saved their boxes & packing paper/bubble wrap so that they can reuse them & save them."
Susan's Quick Tip: Clean Before You Unpack!
Last week we talked about the best way to approach an organized unpacking process after a move. Staying orderly as you unpack & being aware of where and how you unpack allows you to place items where they need to go, not just placed for the sake of unpacking. In the hurry of a move, the one item that gets neglected overall seems to be a clean, ...
A Sensitive Time

In our line of work, frequently we deal with many organizational projects happening under emergency circumstances. Two common cases are relocation & death. With a job change, families are rapidly moved across the country because of their employment status, and certainly no one can prepare for the loses a parent or a partner. In both cases, the ...